
ALS overview

The more you learn about ALS, the better prepared you’ll be. Remember, in addition to doing your research, speaking with your healthcare provider(s) regularly will help you make the most informed decisions moving forward.

Learning from the experience of others:
Mike and Carmen Cels

Join Mike and Carmen Cels in this candid video series as they share different aspects of their family’s journey with ALS. In this episode, Mike and Carmen share insights on the importance of gaining acceptance early in the course of ALS and how that has been a key step toward empowerment.

  • Advice for someone recently diagnosed

  • als-pathways-brochure-thumbnail-en

    Have you recently been diagnosed with ALS?

    Check out the Getting Started brochure. It can be a useful resource to help explain what ALS is, how it can be monitored and the different strategies
that can be used in everyday life.

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